Tag: Man Utd

  • Man United FM24 first season results

    Man United FM24 first season results

    The rebuild begins Man United have suffered since Fergie left. The dominate force they were is in the past, but under Ten Hag they are trying to rebuild their identity. Welcome to the next episode of the managing Man United in the first season series on FM24. This is part two of the season guide…

  • Man United complete first season guide

    Man United complete first season guide

    United we stand, divided we fall Man United have had a rough time since Fergie left, if the truth be known, they’ve lost their identity. This is the start of another new era at old Trafford. Welcome to another edition of how to manage an EPL team in the first season on FM24. What we…

  • A complete guide to every team in the EPL

    A complete guide to every team in the EPL

    The best league in the world The EPL is the best league in the world according to most. A lot of people manage teams on fm24 in this league and that is why we chose to do the guides. The day one series was developed in order to help players understand a process of how…

  • Recruitment with Man Utd results

    Recruitment with Man Utd results

    Which recruitment method worked best? Managing Man Utd we look at different recruitment models to assess which one is best to use. The results could be surprising and lead to a different way to play The aim of this project was to assess new and different recruitment models in football manager. We have used Man…

  • Player Recruitment: End of Season Potential Ability (Man Utd)

    Player Recruitment: End of Season Potential Ability (Man Utd)

    Are the stars of tomorrow actually here today? After a season of recruiting players through potential ability, I am going to reveal and analyse the results with Man Utd. This is the straight forward approach, but more variable than current ability. This is a fairly similar approach to the current ability approach. We will be…

  • Player Recruitment: End of season win rates (Man Utd)

    Player Recruitment: End of season win rates (Man Utd)

    Can win rates be trusted to make a winning team? After a season of recruiting players through win rates, how many trophies did Man Utd win? Win rate is key for analysts. Building a recruitment strategy through win rates is a lot more difficult than i originally thought it would be. My initial thoughts were…

  • Player Recruitment: End of Season Goals and Assists (Man Utd)

    Player Recruitment: End of Season Goals and Assists (Man Utd)

    Do goals and clean sheets actually matter? After a season of recruiting players through performance metrics like goals and assists, how did we get on with Man Utd? Goals have always been important. What we anticipated with the goals and clean sheets approach is to hopefully find great players based on performance metrics. We could…

  • Player Recruitment: End of Season Current Ability (Man Utd)

    Player Recruitment: End of Season Current Ability (Man Utd)

    End of the season results for current ability After a season of recruiting players through current ability, I am going to reveal and analyse the results with Man Utd. This is the straight forward approach. What we expected through using the current ability recruitment method was, as long as we had good coaches and scouts,…

  • Player Recruitment: End of Season Player Averages (Man Utd)

    Player Recruitment: End of Season Player Averages (Man Utd)

    End of the season results for player averages So after a season of recruiting players using the stretch target average ratings method, I am going to reveal and analyse the results with Man Utd. The stretch target average rating method is a analysis method I used as a sales manager to push the standard in…

  • Player Recruitment: Using Current Ability (Man Utd)

    Player Recruitment: Using Current Ability (Man Utd)

    The here and now, current ability superstars In this blog, we look at recruitment with Man Utd is through current ability stars. In theory these players should be ready to rock & roll, do they though? This is the original way to buy players and strengthen teams. You literally look at your team, see where…

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