Football Manager Fans

Do you want to be better at Football Manager?

We are a football manager fan website. We are sharing innovative ideas to help you and do not pretend that we know everything about football manager. Let’s go!

Football Manager Fansite

Do you want to build your own football manager tactics?

We look at different ways to build tactics and develop your squad. There are many strategies to help you to create a culture and grow your club.

We want to help you to understand your club better

We create simple guides in order to start your career and the different phases of building your team in football manager. These include topics such as tactics, recruitment strategies and man management help. Just like in modern football we are looking at new ways to play the game.

Football Manager

Tactic Creation

We look at different ways to build tactics, using the data you have available or even recreating real life tactics.

Football Manager

Player Scouting

This section is dedicated scouting and what attributes to look for in different players and roles.

Football Manager

Recruitment Strategy

Every team needs a strategy to succeed and recruitment in football manager is important to that goal.

Team Management

We look at what to do when you first choose a team. What to do on day one to help you set up for your career. This gives you the platform to launch your journey from.

Tactics Creator

There are two approaches. Look at the personnel you have, and we can create a tactic to suit them. Or create a tactic and shoe horn your team into it.

Team Strategy

This is where we design a strategy for your team and what you want to achieve in your career. Every player and team contribute to a strategy, this is important to get you started.

Data Analysis

Data is a big part of the modern and football manager is no exception. We look at the data that we have accumulated and how it helps you going forward.


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