Tag: Brighton FC

  • Brighton FC FM24 first season results

    Brighton FC FM24 first season results

    The modern youth developers Brighton FC are without doubt in vogue when it comes to developing young talent over the last couple of years. What happens next with Brighton on FM24? Welcome to the next episode of the managing Brighton FC in the first season series on FM24. This is part two of the season…

  • Brighton FC complete first season guide

    Brighton FC complete first season guide

    The future of fantastic football Brighton FC have become a centre of excellence when it comes the football style. They have won many plaudits and admirers, can we reproduce this on FM24? Here we are again! Another instalment of how to manage a Premier League team on Football Manager 2024. The way this guide works…

  • 5 FM24 save ideas you must try

    5 FM24 save ideas you must try

    So, are you up for a challenge? Save ideas can be good or bad, but we all enjoy a challenge nonetheless. We have put together 5 challenges on FM24 you must in the Premier League. The reason for today’s blog is that you are probably getting bored with most teams on FM24 or you want…

  • A complete guide to every team in the EPL

    A complete guide to every team in the EPL

    The best league in the world The EPL is the best league in the world according to most. A lot of people manage teams on fm24 in this league and that is why we chose to do the guides. The day one series was developed in order to help players understand a process of how…

  • How to manage Brighton from day one

    How to manage Brighton from day one

    The upstarts of the league Brighton have been creating a wonderful football project for the last few years. They’ve performed so well that the richer clubs have signed a number of their players. So this short series is where we start a game with each team in the EPL and give a short guide as…

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