What ever happened to Swindon Town?
Swindon Town, the home of the Magic Roundabout and the birthplace of the National Trust, but did you know they once played in the EPL? Let’s take a look.
Welcome back to another guide on fallen giants of the Premier League. The reason for this series is that we take control of each team that has been in the EPL and now in the lower divisions. Each guide will show a way to set up the team using a methodical approach to strategy and tactics on FM24.
This guide is an interesting one as we will be using Swindon Town on FM24. Swindon is famous for a number of reasons, but does anyone remember that they featured in the Premier League for one season in the 90’s. They didn’t last long, but this is our chance to right the wrongs and get them back to the promised land.
In the guide, you’ll find everything you need to know to get started with Swindon Town, including:
- What objectives Swindon Town have and why they are important.
- The different types of players and how they work in the squad.
- Tips, tactics, and best practices to succeed with Swindon Town.
I think it time to get Swindon Town promoted and take on the EPL!
Swindon Town objectives
When starting with any club we need to look at the culture we are walking into and what we want to create. Swindon Town on FM24 are no different, the way we develop the culture is first through the board and supporter objectives. With everything culture that we build you must keep the people happy.

It’s quite a surprise looking at the board objectives that they do not have any to say. I would have thought that they would have a guide line of the recruitment process or the style of play. They want progress and have given us the option to do it how we see best, a clean slate to build from so to speak.

The good news is that the supporters have more expectation and an idea of how they would like to see the team progress. They want possession football and they want attacking football which is a great combination for an ambitious team.
So possession football is achieved through short passing, that is obvious, the styles available are control possession, tiki taka, and fluid counter. The attacking styles are gegenpress and tiki taka. The intersection here is tiki taka football, while this is seems ambitious at this level, we are building a culture.
Swindon Town First 11
This next key stage to building the strategy on day one is know your players at Swindon Town on FM24. This is where we analyse the key players in the squad to create the structure of our tactic and then using those options we flesh it out using the rest of the squad. This is also where the standards start, league average is 2.5 to 3 stars, we will take three and above. Anyone above 3 stars is a key player and we build the team around them.

Looking at the key players we have a number of problems unveil themselves. The don’t have many key players, most of them are on loan and that we cover very few positions. Our first season is going to be about the rebuild, any ideas of pushing into the playoffs or promotion are remote.

The squad on the other hand is large and seems to have a lot of potential ability. This means that we need to keep hold of the squad players with the most potential in order to push for promotion next season or the year after. The main takeaway here is that Swindon Town needs a rebuild and develop the younger players.
Swindon Town Tactics
In this section we look at the tactics that we have decided on using the information from above. Our tactics are going to be important as it the difference between success and failure at Swindon Town on FM24. The tactics will encompass our culture and what the board and supporters expect.
The first thing we can see is that we have built a 433 DM to make sure all of our key player are in the formation. The two best strikers in the team are good target men which would drop and link well with the midfield. I have found that wingers are the best option with a target man, due to the effectiveness of crosses. It is widely know that one successful cross is worth ten passes.

The rest of the team has been set up to play possession football, while the players are not great at passing we will need to recruit there. Teams that pass more tend to get more shots and as a result more goals. This is the strategy, we will need to work with the defence as the line is very high.
Get started with Swindon Town today
Swindon Town on FM24 is going to be a fun challenge, it’s a typical rebuild a small club and push back to the promised land, the EPL. There is definitely potential here, but the first season will be tough, you have great chance to build a platform.
The strength of the team is the defence, there are a lot of good options at the back and you just need to select the spine of the team. The full backs seem like very important players going forward. The weakness of the team is the centre of midfield, there are not many options and it is difficult to play with more than two centre midfields.
The opportunity here is as we saw above, while the current ability is low or average, their potential ability is a lot higher. It’s time to build for the future and set policy around youth development. The threat is if the team underperform in the short term, if this happens I can see it being difficult for Swindon Town to come back on FM24.
Start a game with Swindon Town today! Comment below on the guide or how you get on, drop us a like if you want.