Bayern Munich FM24 Key players

Building FM24 Tactics with Bayern Munich

Germany’s biggest club

Bayern Munich are by far the most successful club in Germany. They are now a team in transition, how can we create a team to dominate the future?

The hardest thing for most managers when they take over a club that is unfamiliar to them is that they are not sure on the tactics. No need to worry as FM24 tactics have never been easier to create and we are going to help you with that.

This FM24 tactics guide will help you create a tactic with Bayern Munich and dominate the league. They are the most successful Bundesliga team domestically and have rich history that comes with that. This is not the solid Bayern Munich team we have seen in the past, it’s a team in transition. Our job now is to create a new team that dominates for years to come.

In the FM24 tactics guide, you’ll find everything you need to know to get build a tactic with Bayern Munich, including:

  • What objectives Bayern Munich have and why they are important.
  • The different types of players and how they work in the squad.
  • Tips, tactics, and best practices to succeed with Bayern Munich.

Read on to see how we can create a tactic for Bayern Munich to dominate in the years to come!

Bayern Munich objectives

The first thing that we do with every FM24 tactics guide is that we look at the board and supporter objectives. These objectives will help guide us to build a tactic that satisfies the board and the fans and be successful. Ignoring these objectives will make our job a lot harder, we want to keep everyone on side.

Bayern Munich FM24 Board Objectives

Looking at the board objectives, this is one of the longest sets I have ever seen. Ignoring the recruitment ones for now, we can see that they want attacking and entertaining football.

Attacking football is an easy one, we either play Tiki Taka or Gegenpress. The entertaining football is based around high tempo football, this rules out Tiki Taka and fully endorses Gegenpress as the style of choice.

Bayern Munich FM24 Supporter objectives

So looking at the supporter objectives next, and we see that they are on the same page of the board, but with a twist. They want the attacking and entertaining football, but with possession football thrown in. This can be easily achieved with the strategy laid out above. Gegenpress can also cover possession football too.

Bayern Munich first 11

Now we have an understanding around the objectives, the next step to building our FM24 tactics are the personnel. We will look to find out who our key players and who our squad players are. The way we do that is through the assistant reports on the squad screen. Anyone over 3 stars is a key player, 3 star players are squad players and anyone under is looking to leave.

Bayern Munich FM24 Key players

So my first impressions are that while it is a small number of key players, what a great set of players they are. The next thing is that we have a nice spread of positions and no doubles, this means we can play them all in the same team. With Harry Kane leading the line, we really need to use him as a focal point in the attack.

Bayern Munich FM24 squad players

The next step is to look at the squad players, Bayern Munich have a tasty squad of players, some real talent. Although we have four natural AML players, they can all play in other positions. The formation that is in mind is a 4231 or a 433 DM as it will play all of our strengths. As well as that we have a lot of very strong attacking players so we must go on the front foot.

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Bayern Munich tactics

So all we need to do is put the above information together to create our FM24 tactics. This is where it all comes to fruition and we can test it. I am looking forward to seeing how Bayern Munich will dominate with this tactic.

The first thing we need to look at is where the goals will come from. Kane is our main striker, he is playing a deep lying role to draw the centre back out and so the inside forwards can crash the space behind. Musiala will contribute to those attacks and we have three athletic danger men attacking the opponent.

Bayern Munich FM24 tactics

Defensively we are defending from the front, I do not believe that Kane will do the most effective pressing, that will come from the attacking midfield. They are much faster and younger, as well as being spread across the field, this will cause any defence a nightmare.

The core defence will be made up of the our ball winning midfielder and the two centre backs. Our full backs will get back to support but they are split between transitions, like the box to box midfielder.

Get started with Bayern Munich today

If you are looking for a good rebuild challenge, then I would recommend Bayern Munich. You have a wonderful team to start with, but depending on the tactic you use, the squad could do with more depth. There is a fantastic opportunity to continue to dominate the Bundesliga.

The strength of the team without a doubt is the attacking side of the team. Most teams would be envious of this forward line, it has a legendary striker and three young attacking midfielders. They are going to cause so many problems.

The weakness of the team is the defence. While not a major problem, the ability could be higher and deeper in depth. So when you do look start to invest in the team, start from the back.

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